Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Last night I went to the circus with Shad, & our friends, Heather, & Ted. When I was invited, I was skeptical, because of some things I've read online. And especially since I'm so passionate about the well being of animals. It made me more curious. The tickets were free, and I don't like to be one of those people who bases my opinion on what others say, vs. my own experience(s) -- so I went. And I'm so glad I did.
Contrary to the stigma, the elephants seemed to really be doted on. The trainer showed love and appreciation for the animals. And the tigers where swimming in a tank, being rowdy and playing (like dogs!). It blew my mind... I was standing so close to elephants thinking, "these guys could take us all out if they wanted." But they are sweet, loyal, loving animals. It seems that if they're treated well, and they adapt and/or like the scene, they do well.
RB&B has an area in FL where the elephants are bred and can comfortably retire. According to a 4th generation trainer, the elephants can participate for as little as 1 or 50 years, depending on the elephant. If it likes to fight or doesn't like the routines, they don't use them. Elephants can get the same ailments as humans (arthritis, etc.) so this is actually sounds like a thoughtful setup. They are fed heartily, and can be with one another 'till death.
Seems to me, if I were to be 'against' something like this, then I would have to be against owning my doggies, too. Yes, they're domesticated, but these elephants are born into this lifestyle, so they kinda are too. I'd also have to dislike dog shows, fairs, PBR, etc. Then it'd be a tiny fish in a fishbowl. Where do we draw the line of judgement? I've seen first hand how some of those animals are treated, and let me tell you, it's better than being sent to the slaughter house! Which is usually what happens when someone doesn't love them.
If I were to hold up a sign that says "cruelty" and protest (although I'm sure their hearts are in the right place, and I can see where they'd be coming from with all the bad press, if that's all they read) I'd better not be eating ANY meat, either (and I still eat fish). 'Cause that'd be pretty hypocritical, right?
So, I'm here to say that from what I saw, the animals are OK... sure, it was only one day, but that's all I got! The animals were showed about 15% of the entire time. It's mostly human entertainers doing the most elaborate acts you've ever seen. Doesn't seem too grueling for an animal to partake in. But that's just me, and my opinion. And it's my blog, so that's why I'm telling you!
Bottom line, before I judge anything, I want to see for myself what's going on... and I recommend you do, too. I'm sure there are bad apples out there in the circus, just like there are bad apples out there in all walks of life. But I didn't see it last night at THIS CIRCUS. :)
Next stop, will be the place I get my eggs from... I regret to inform you that I haven't done that yet, I only buy "cage free" ones... but I need to.
love & hugs,
xo J
Contrary to the stigma, the elephants seemed to really be doted on. The trainer showed love and appreciation for the animals. And the tigers where swimming in a tank, being rowdy and playing (like dogs!). It blew my mind... I was standing so close to elephants thinking, "these guys could take us all out if they wanted." But they are sweet, loyal, loving animals. It seems that if they're treated well, and they adapt and/or like the scene, they do well.
RB&B has an area in FL where the elephants are bred and can comfortably retire. According to a 4th generation trainer, the elephants can participate for as little as 1 or 50 years, depending on the elephant. If it likes to fight or doesn't like the routines, they don't use them. Elephants can get the same ailments as humans (arthritis, etc.) so this is actually sounds like a thoughtful setup. They are fed heartily, and can be with one another 'till death.
Seems to me, if I were to be 'against' something like this, then I would have to be against owning my doggies, too. Yes, they're domesticated, but these elephants are born into this lifestyle, so they kinda are too. I'd also have to dislike dog shows, fairs, PBR, etc. Then it'd be a tiny fish in a fishbowl. Where do we draw the line of judgement? I've seen first hand how some of those animals are treated, and let me tell you, it's better than being sent to the slaughter house! Which is usually what happens when someone doesn't love them.
If I were to hold up a sign that says "cruelty" and protest (although I'm sure their hearts are in the right place, and I can see where they'd be coming from with all the bad press, if that's all they read) I'd better not be eating ANY meat, either (and I still eat fish). 'Cause that'd be pretty hypocritical, right?
So, I'm here to say that from what I saw, the animals are OK... sure, it was only one day, but that's all I got! The animals were showed about 15% of the entire time. It's mostly human entertainers doing the most elaborate acts you've ever seen. Doesn't seem too grueling for an animal to partake in. But that's just me, and my opinion. And it's my blog, so that's why I'm telling you!
Bottom line, before I judge anything, I want to see for myself what's going on... and I recommend you do, too. I'm sure there are bad apples out there in the circus, just like there are bad apples out there in all walks of life. But I didn't see it last night at THIS CIRCUS. :)
Next stop, will be the place I get my eggs from... I regret to inform you that I haven't done that yet, I only buy "cage free" ones... but I need to.
love & hugs,
xo J
Heather Rivera,
Heather's thingies
Monday, August 16, 2010
What I know for sure. It's time to find out.
photos by Gabri

What I Know For Sure
It's time to find out.
Check out my documentary project on indiegogo, and please support it if you can!
thank you! Jentri

What I Know For Sure
It's time to find out.
Check out my documentary project on indiegogo, and please support it if you can!
thank you! Jentri
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tonight, Sidney (the 7 yr old from my untitled documentary trailer) asked me how I got the holes in my jeans. I told her, "Carly cut them for me, so I'd look 'cool' but the holes just keep getting bigger around my knees"... and she responded, "Jentri, you are cool without them." seriously... ? HEART CURRENTLY MELTING (I'm not THAT cool).
Not as cool as you, Sid. ;)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What I know for sure
This article is just what I needed today. I love Elizabeth Gilbert.
I've been working on my (untitled) documentary, clarifying my vision within, so that it doesn't become a thing of mystery
itself. The clearer I see my voice getting, the more excited I become at the possibilities of what lies ahead.
I think I even see a 'title' in here somewhere... ;)
And after reading this today, I'm about 85% sure I'm on the right track.
And since we're having a Gilbert moment, here's her speaking at the TED conference. Make sure you have time... It's a good one... :)
I've been working on my (untitled) documentary, clarifying my vision within, so that it doesn't become a thing of mystery
itself. The clearer I see my voice getting, the more excited I become at the possibilities of what lies ahead.
I think I even see a 'title' in here somewhere... ;)
And after reading this today, I'm about 85% sure I'm on the right track.
And since we're having a Gilbert moment, here's her speaking at the TED conference. Make sure you have time... It's a good one... :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Behind the scenes of my new (mysterious) documentary with Heather Rivera (Mix 94.7 Austin)
(if video not working, watch here)
To watch the trailer for this documentary, visit http://www.forloveofindiefilmmaking.blogspot.com
behind the scenes,
Heather Rivera,
Jentri Chancey,
MIX 94.7
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Donky story with good ending :)
Remember the flying donky story? It devastated my heart. With all the things humans have to deal with that they can't control (i.e. mother nature) I've never understood why humans would deliberately and unnecessarily harm anything else. I'm so happy this donky, who could've drowned, has a happy ending. We have a donkey, Boom Boom, that lives at my dads. She's the sweetest, funniest, cutest thing ever! To the contrary of popular belief, they're quite capable of being very friendly and loving creatures. Boom Boom even plays with the big dogs - it's kind of incredible to watch. Animals don't discriminate, like some humans, they merely act on instinct. My dogs have been trying to play with the guinea pig that I'm babysitting, thru the cage, for the past 2 days. :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Getting Personal
I've heard the phrase, "It's a business decision, not personal" a lot of times in my (short lived) film career. So today, I address this idea, or whatever you want to call it, with an open mind and heart. And not because something has just happened to me that I'd like to air (it hasn't!) but because I find it a fascinating statement... one that's dynamic, and understated. Much more complex than the usual phrase itself.
For example, everything we do in the film business has to do with personal relationships. We can't make films alone! Some relationships may even catapult us to the next stage of whatever it is we're trying to achieve. But more than not, a job isn't taken because of money alone. The next question when considering a gig is, "Can I work with this person for X amount of years?" Or perhaps it's, "Can I spend a few months in a trailer next to this person, working 12-14 hour days?" And if the answer is NO, then we probably decline the position.
I'm constantly curious about the way that business and personal are handled and separated. I understand the difference, of course, (I really do!) but I think it's often (not always!) a blend of both, making (especially business) decisions even harder. You have to do what's best for your business, and if a friend isn't going to do the best job, then you're screwing yourself and your friendship out of something wonderful. But will the friend hold a grudge if that decision to go another way is made? And if the friend holds a grudge, does that mean the friend isn't such a good friend after all? Or does it make you not a good friend for going another way?
I've had to make a few 'business decisions' in my early career here that I've profoundly questioned. And not because I thought I did something wrong, but because someone had a reaction to something I did, that made me question if what I'd done was wrong. But bottom line, I always strive to do what I feel is the right thing for all parties involved. And I can't anticipate, control, or be held accountable for how others will respond to my decisions.
I find that every time there's a debate, there's always two different sides (perspectives) and then there's the truth, often diluted by other people's views. I suppose if I can live with all the decisions I make (even the really hard ones) knowing that I did the very best I could do with what I had at the time, then I'll be good with me. Will you be good with you?
I suppose the reason for this personal post today is that so much of what I do, how I operate, however business related it may be - is personal. Friends, actors, producers, crew, you name it. If I'm not having fun, working or hanging with with people I love & respect, who love & respect me back, what's the point?
For example, everything we do in the film business has to do with personal relationships. We can't make films alone! Some relationships may even catapult us to the next stage of whatever it is we're trying to achieve. But more than not, a job isn't taken because of money alone. The next question when considering a gig is, "Can I work with this person for X amount of years?" Or perhaps it's, "Can I spend a few months in a trailer next to this person, working 12-14 hour days?" And if the answer is NO, then we probably decline the position.
I'm constantly curious about the way that business and personal are handled and separated. I understand the difference, of course, (I really do!) but I think it's often (not always!) a blend of both, making (especially business) decisions even harder. You have to do what's best for your business, and if a friend isn't going to do the best job, then you're screwing yourself and your friendship out of something wonderful. But will the friend hold a grudge if that decision to go another way is made? And if the friend holds a grudge, does that mean the friend isn't such a good friend after all? Or does it make you not a good friend for going another way?
I've had to make a few 'business decisions' in my early career here that I've profoundly questioned. And not because I thought I did something wrong, but because someone had a reaction to something I did, that made me question if what I'd done was wrong. But bottom line, I always strive to do what I feel is the right thing for all parties involved. And I can't anticipate, control, or be held accountable for how others will respond to my decisions.
I find that every time there's a debate, there's always two different sides (perspectives) and then there's the truth, often diluted by other people's views. I suppose if I can live with all the decisions I make (even the really hard ones) knowing that I did the very best I could do with what I had at the time, then I'll be good with me. Will you be good with you?
I suppose the reason for this personal post today is that so much of what I do, how I operate, however business related it may be - is personal. Friends, actors, producers, crew, you name it. If I'm not having fun, working or hanging with with people I love & respect, who love & respect me back, what's the point?
Good info for my Animal Lovers!
Gladys, (Admiral and Arcona's baby girl!) who's cared for by Carrin and Luey, and loved by all. :)

Friends at PETA sent out this info, which I think is imperative to know, if you have animals! Enjoy, my sweet animal lovers! J
Keep dogs inside: Unlike humans, dogs can only sweat through their footpads and cool themselves by panting. Soaring temperatures can cause heat stress and be physically damaging or even fatal.
· Water and shade: If dogs must be left outside, they should be supplied with ample fresh water and shade, and the shifting sun needs to be taken into account. Where is the animal when you are at work? Even brief periods of direct exposure to the sun during a heat wave can have life-threatening consequences. Dogs should never be chained, as this can leave them no way to escape the direct sun at certain times of the day, no way to seek water should their water source be knocked over, and so on.
· Walk, don't run: In very hot, humid weather, never exercise dogs by cycling while they try to keep up or by running them while you jog. Dogs will collapse before giving up, at which point it may be too late to save them. They can quickly become severely overheated, and an exercise session can turn into a medical emergency.
· Avoid parked cars: Never, ever leave a dog in a parked car in warm weather, even for short periods with the windows slightly open. Dogs trapped inside parked cars can succumb to heatstroke within minutes—even if the car isn't parked in direct sunlight. If you see a dog trapped in a parked car, immediately take down the car's color, model, make, and license-plate number, have the guardian paged inside nearby stores, and call local humane authorities or police. Do not leave the scene before the animal is helped!
· Hot pavement: Dogs can suffer painful burns on their footpads from heated asphalt, pavement, and sand. Test the heat of surfaces with your hand before walking a dog on them.
· Pickups: Never transport dogs in the bed of a pickup truck. This practice is dangerous—and illegal in many states and municipalities—because animals can catapult out of the truck bed on a sudden stop or choke if they jump out while they're tied up. During hot weather, dogs' feet and bellies can also get burned on the metal.
· Stay alert and save a life: Keep an eye on all outdoor dogs. Make sure that they have adequate water and shelter. If you see a dog in distress, contact humane authorities right away and give the dog immediate relief by providing water.

Friends at PETA sent out this info, which I think is imperative to know, if you have animals! Enjoy, my sweet animal lovers! J
Keep dogs inside: Unlike humans, dogs can only sweat through their footpads and cool themselves by panting. Soaring temperatures can cause heat stress and be physically damaging or even fatal.
· Water and shade: If dogs must be left outside, they should be supplied with ample fresh water and shade, and the shifting sun needs to be taken into account. Where is the animal when you are at work? Even brief periods of direct exposure to the sun during a heat wave can have life-threatening consequences. Dogs should never be chained, as this can leave them no way to escape the direct sun at certain times of the day, no way to seek water should their water source be knocked over, and so on.
· Walk, don't run: In very hot, humid weather, never exercise dogs by cycling while they try to keep up or by running them while you jog. Dogs will collapse before giving up, at which point it may be too late to save them. They can quickly become severely overheated, and an exercise session can turn into a medical emergency.
· Avoid parked cars: Never, ever leave a dog in a parked car in warm weather, even for short periods with the windows slightly open. Dogs trapped inside parked cars can succumb to heatstroke within minutes—even if the car isn't parked in direct sunlight. If you see a dog trapped in a parked car, immediately take down the car's color, model, make, and license-plate number, have the guardian paged inside nearby stores, and call local humane authorities or police. Do not leave the scene before the animal is helped!
· Hot pavement: Dogs can suffer painful burns on their footpads from heated asphalt, pavement, and sand. Test the heat of surfaces with your hand before walking a dog on them.
· Pickups: Never transport dogs in the bed of a pickup truck. This practice is dangerous—and illegal in many states and municipalities—because animals can catapult out of the truck bed on a sudden stop or choke if they jump out while they're tied up. During hot weather, dogs' feet and bellies can also get burned on the metal.
· Stay alert and save a life: Keep an eye on all outdoor dogs. Make sure that they have adequate water and shelter. If you see a dog in distress, contact humane authorities right away and give the dog immediate relief by providing water.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Blood Into Wine
You should watch this documentary, Blood Into Wine, if it comes to your area. It totally rocks. I wasn't necessarily a "Maynard" fan, like the rest of the rock world, until I saw his documentary. Mostly because I'm not a 'rocker' kinda girl with the cool black hair, red streaks, and vintage threads. :) I'm just a brown haired Texas gal with an ever-so-slightly southern accent, who likes to bake (a lot) and watch, write and make movies.
But back to Maynard - I always thought he had a great vocals, and out of all the bands my husband insists I listen to, Tool's sound ROCKS. But after this movie, I left the theater feeling nothing but respect... for him, his wine making, and passionate artistry.
Oh, and I love the way he says, "comfortable." I'm kinda obsessed with this word for some reason, and he says it perfectly. :)
xo Jentri
ps. we gotta bottle of his wine from when he came thru Dallas at Whole Foods - thank you, Debbie (Shad's mom)!!!
But back to Maynard - I always thought he had a great vocals, and out of all the bands my husband insists I listen to, Tool's sound ROCKS. But after this movie, I left the theater feeling nothing but respect... for him, his wine making, and passionate artistry.
Oh, and I love the way he says, "comfortable." I'm kinda obsessed with this word for some reason, and he says it perfectly. :)
xo Jentri
ps. we gotta bottle of his wine from when he came thru Dallas at Whole Foods - thank you, Debbie (Shad's mom)!!!
Blood into Wine,
movie review
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