Everyone's always saying we should feel lucky and grateful for what we have (including me!). Today, I was thinking
about how fireplaces excite me. Nothing funny, I just love to put my ass by a good fire. :)
And a few weeks ago, my sister-in-law told me that she'd never seen another grown up get so excited over dessert before. :) What can I say, I like my sweets!
It got me to thinking about all the little things that thrill me, and wonder if all that would be gone if I had been born (financially) rich.
The short answer is yes; I really think so.
I often think of my love for writing, and how (life) complications eventually turn into more goods I can interject into my story-telling. Struggles make me a better writer; although I don't prefer them, I know it's true. So, I wonder if I'd even be worth two cents as a writer if I hadn't gone through so many?
I really don't think so.
This world is crazy and scary, particularly for those of us who choose to say f-u to fear and follow our dreams. But it's wonderful, too. It's beautiful to have been born into a world where I have to try, work, wonder, and dream. There's something to be said for unpredictability. Sure, more luxuries couldn't have killed me, but I'm pretty sure they could have somehow put out that faux fire underneath my ass. That insane passion to want more, be more, and give more.
When life is too easy, it's boring. When life is too hard, it sucks. Just the right about of both builds character, don't ya think?
If we can use our character to get through the dip, (of life) I'm sure we can have it all.
Especially, more ice cream!!!! VERY IMPORTANT.