Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Tonight, inspiration came to me in the form of a 90-year-old woman, who's my neighbor, and her dog rescue, Tonka. We casually talked about her family, and that she'd met my husband, Shad. She talked admirably about her children, grandchildren, neighborhood, and how she's lived in it for 37 years. She was actually the first one to live in a house in the neighborhood, so she knows everyone. We talked about animals, screenwriting, Hollywood, our names, and art; she loves oil painting, since becoming a grandmother. Toward the end of our conversation, she told me to always think about what I want, not what I don't want, and to hold it in my mind and it will happen. "Don't listen to the no, no, no-ers," she said. As she said those words, I got goosebumps, as if I'd never heard anything like it before. It was honest and pure, with no agenda, and I realized briefly (and sadly) how little that happens anymore. Just before she left she told me I was special, and I believed her. There are many moments that are superficial in life, filled with cliches, and lack of meaning. Then there are these tiny pockets of touching inspiration that catch you by surprise, if you're lucky, - this was one of them. Thanks, NovyLee.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Thursday, January 10, 2013


                                                                   @ Boulder Beer