Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Catching criminals or creating them?

Our friend Patrick posted this on facebook today. His friend is trying to bring awareness to the story that put an innocent couple in an unfortunate circumstance! It infuriates me that it's even happened!!! Apparently, the cops set up a "bait car" in front of someone's home trying to catch burglars. In theory, it sounds like a justifiable operation, given all the crimes lately, but when you start messing with INNOCENT people's minds in their own neighborhood, leading them to think something TERRIBLE may be going on just outside their homes, what do you expect them to do? Neighborhoods look out for each other, or at least I know mine does. We've called our neighbors before if there was a strange car parked in front of their home and they weren't there. If there was an abandoned car outside our driveway, we'd check it out too. And if we actually called the cops, and they didn't tell us otherwise, we might think there was foul play going on as well!! It just makes me sad to read this, because it's unnecessary stress to put people under, when it all could be worked out with a simple conversation and some brain cells. Eat your omega 3 vitamins people!!!!!

Read the full story here and help spread the word... it could easily happen to YOU! :)

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