Without the risk of sounding preachy or cult-like, let me preface this by saying a few things. I grew up in a town of about 300 people. Vegetarianism was not in our dictionary. In fact, I'm not sure I ever heard the word - ever. I lived less than a mile away from a slaughter house. And it was natural - cows were food & equalled a paycheck to my family - no more, no less. My dad was (and still kinda is) a cattle salesman. It wasn't unusual for me to go to a sale with him, play in the pens with the loving sweet calves and then go inside and eat a delicious hamburger.
It wasn't until my 30's that I began a close friendship with someone who enlightened me on the subject of what takes place with animals 'behind the scenes'. But my evolution wasn't that immediate. Everytime I was around them, my "v" friends, ;) I felt a little awkward eating meat, because I knew they were so passionate about NOT eating it. But that didn't stop me either, of course. This was ingrained into my inner being, my cultural existence on earth. Just because a couple of people didn't eat it, wasn't going to influence me TOO MUCH, so I thought.
In fact, I remember when my husband asked me about being a vegetarian about 10 years ago, when we were still getting acquainted. :) Apparently, his last girlfriend was a vegetarian, and he was a little weary of it. He said he tried it once with her but only ended up eating cheese. Needless to say, he gained weight!!
And MY response to his, "Are you a vegetarian?" was, "Hell, no!"
But after all those years of ignoring what I knew was possibly out there, I began asking questions. It's in my scorpion nature, I suppose. I remember asking my v- friend, "well, what's so wrong with eating a chicken, for instance, if you buy 'free roaming'? Wouldn't they have a good life?" Her response to that was, "they're still going to die... they're still going to fear the death... and you're consuming that negative energy..." My brain was going, "humph". She had a point. But still not enough to turn me, YET!
Somehow I stumbled upon a documentary,
I AM an ANIMAL, and watched it with my meat loving husband. That night I was in shock. The next day, we both were like - we're going to try this - together.
He stuck to vegetarianism for a year and 1/2 and I know it was a lot more unsatisfying for him than me. But I'm proud of him for really giving it a go. When it comes down to it, it's such a personal choice, like religion. But religion is based on faith. And animal cruelty is based on facts. I think it's irresponsible to turn way from the TRUTH, too.
When I first really started my journey, I was like so many other 'new vegetarians' who are just angry all the time - angry that others don't 'get it' - angry that they won't try. My heart was angry that this animal cruelty was going on, and I couldn't do A LOT about it.
I soon learned, and especially through the fabulously gracious approach of Kathy
Freston, who wrote
QUANTUM WELLNESS that it's not about trying to convince people. It's about getting the info out there so that people can make their personal choices. And it's not about judging others. That's not our job on earth, but it is our job to do
our personal best. If that means you go for a week without eating meat, good for you! If that means cutting down on your consumption altogether, wonderful! Or simply just
be aware of what you're putting into your body, and you'll be doing BETTER than you were before!
I found a great article today that demonstrates the difficulties we, vegetarians, often experience from others (holiday guide link below). I really work on living a spiritual life, and being kind, so when people are prejudiced against this decision I've made, it's a challenge for me to not feel isolated and upset. If anything, I think I should be the one mad at them for choosing something that's inhumane! But that's not right either.
And guess what friends? We're in charge of how we feel - not anyone else. No one can make you do or feel anything. What's inside is what comes out. So, keep being aware, keep being a compassionate earthling, keep asking questions, and don't apologise for it. You can live in peace knowing that you're making the best decision for YOU and living your personal best life no matter what else is out there.
peace and love. Jentri