OK, who am I to tell Hollywood how to write, right? But seriously, they have to feel this, right Nelson?
Grey's Anatomy was once the thing to talk about. It seemed to have the perfect TV recipe... scoring beautifully understated talent, a consistent voice over, total bloody drama, and a love scandal so sizzling with tension, it'd make an egg fry- without heat.
If it were just me feeling this way, I wouldn't be writing this. But NO - it's my mom, my mother-in-law, too - hardcore Grey fans here, people!
So what went wrong?
Here's my theory (it's not brain surgery) and I'm really surprised they haven't addressed this problem YET. It might be too late, though. I turned off the last episode where Mr. Flashback was narrating it in between war scenes before it was over. Sigh.
First of all, Derek and Meredith can't be in a perfectly happy relationship. They just can't. Sure, that's what we wanted FOREVER,
and we finally got it. So now what? You take out all the major (original) key players, after making them each sleep with far too many people on staff (I hate it when it gets so clouded I can't remember who slept with who in the closet!) and ba ba boom - complete cluster fuck.
No one really cares about these new guys, do they? What do we know about their pasts? Nothing. They were interns that weren't very well integrated into past shows prior to this season... or at least not enough to remember them.
What if one of them had been someone they'd had some other kind of awkward relationship with OUTSIDE the hospital first?
That's how Meredith's half sister came in... and what an entrance! Plus, we care about her past and it's relevant to the overarching story that keeps us connected... hanging on... thirsting for more.
Of course there's an occasional way-to-long monologue telling us on the nose dialog about how good looking they are
and how that somehow adversely effected them in life. STUPID.
We know about Meredith, her whole mom's tie-in/backstory, the BIG affair, etc., but these other guys are just eye candy. And Mr. Flashback is NOT exactly that. So when he starts narrating a scene out of nowhere, I feel like I'm in a wacky sci-fi flick. And not a good one, so don't get excited, you Galactica fans. Take Desperate Housewives' approach here, and sick with your faithful VO gal. The one we know. We like. We trust. I felt like saying, " What, was Ellen off that day?" :)
And it's a shame that it's going downhill, because Ellen, above all the others (I think!) is the most talented. She brilliantly shined in
Moonlight Mile. And with such vulnerability.
I don't mean for this to be disrespectful to writers, with obviously far greater experience than myself, but I'm really hurt... my favorite past time has died... and not even with a good ending. It's so disheartening.
Come back to me, Grey's.... or writers who wrote you originally... come back to US!!!!!