I'm deeply saddened by the way the Earth is treated. It hurts by heart that people dismiss the treatment of animals, as if they don't count, except for food in our happy bellies. And the ocean, as if it were replaceable. Everything affects everything, and there will be consequences if we can't even act like it matters. There's something called ecosystems, and yes, it matters. I don't believe that any natural disaster will be the end of the earth. But I believe humans' negligence could be. Treat every day like earth day. We can't expect to deplete its natural resources, slaughter it as we wish, and keep getting a Fat return. It too, as resilient as it is, has its limitations. I don't know about you, but I'd like to live a long time on this wonderfully mysterious, generously abundant, and giving planet... and right now, I'm kinda scared for us.
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