Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who's your cheerleader?

I'm often the voice of motivation for friends and family. The cheerleader, if you will. Rarely, do I let too many things get me down for too long.... but when they do - I find myself feeling really alone and disheartened. Who's my cheerleader?

Dreaming sounds like such an easy thing to do, but to the contrary - I find that holding a dream up is often the most challenging of things to do. It's easy to not try something. It's easy to just get by, be simple and not expect much. But I'm a Scorpio, and I've never found much luck in that way of thought.

So, my advice to EVERYONE is to dream, even if it breaks your heart. Because 9 out of 10 times it will. Over and over again... like a broken record at times. Your dream gets squashed, but you prevail, pick yourself up, and try again. Why? Because that's the human spirit - relentless, and roach-like. And roaches don't explain or have to prove themselves to anyone.

Now get back to dreaming! J

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