Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Fresh is the best! 

hmmm.......Wasn't there a rap song with these lyrics....?

Oh well, moving on.

I love my friends and family, and that's why I want them to all watch this movie. If we're going to hang around this earth together, I believe we should be responsible for learning where our meals come from!

Food has always been more than a tool to me. It's something that gets me excited. Something that fuels me, beyond its organic process. The anticipation of a good dessert at Thanksgiving makes me wanna jump through the roof.  I'm intense like that. Just ask my mother-in-law, Debbie.

But jumping is no small task, lemme tell you, and I don't wanna jump through the roof for the wrong stuff. Sure, we can feed the masses with GMO's, and that's better than dying (I guess) but GMO's don't supply the same level of nutrients either. It's kinda like eating a fake apple from one of those fruit bowls, only you get all the pesticides that come with it. YUCK.

This type of documentary hits the (no-brainer) spot. It's easy to watch and wonderfully informative. KNOW YOUR FOOD AND WHERE IT COMES FROM.

If you eat meat, even if you don't personally know the farm, know it's humanely raised, grass fed, and that you're not the recipient of bad energy, antibiotics, and disease. It's not about eating or not eating meat, it's about what meat you eat!

Get it? Got it? GOOD!

Love & Hugs, my sweet friends!

I'm kinda in love with this farmer.

Monday, April 9, 2012