Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cheers to a happy, healthy(ier) 2011!

Food Matters is an excellent film, and it's kicked me in high gear.

This week, we're off to do some healthy shoppin' and put an end to all this crazy-pie afterlife existing in our fridge and inevitably in our bellies. :)

Food, Inc. is another good one to see.

It's about time we smarten up. Seems our priorities have been shuffled around for quite a while... and the consequence is sickness and doctor bills. I'm fed up, figuratively and literally. If we really want to live luxuriously, we should save our money for better food to go in our baskets, know where it comes from (and how it was raised, if you eat meat!) and not new leather seats to sit our cushy butts on, right?

Cheers to a happy, healthy 2001! xo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Jentri (to neice, Izzy): "Love you, IzzyBear"
Isabelle (to Aunt Jentri): "My name's not IzzyBear, it's IzzyBelle."
Gabri (Jentri's sister): "Is she calling herself Izzybelle again, or did she say Isabelle?" :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Anoo Dat Blue

Good things come to those who wait... until you give in. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

I love being Aunt Jentri.

Jentri gently massages her 4-year-old niece, Izzy's tired head, slowly running her fingers through her thin blonde hair. Izzy begins to drift off to sleep with chocolate still laced around her mouth. Beat. Jentri laughs, and Izzy's head lifts. Her heavy eyes refocus on Jentri.

Izzy: What are you laughing at?
Jentri: You're just funny.
Izzy: But I wasn't even making a funny face...?
Jentri: I know. You're beautiful.
Izzy: You were laughing at me because I'm beautiful?


Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Big Empty

Big Empty - what I try to stay away from. It's the big void in my heart when I'm not creating - writing - making a picture come to life for the screen. Sometimes it's the in between. It's the space that feels hollowed out and dark if "not in use." Pretty similar to the feeling I've had a few times in my life: 1) when we lost our dogs/house 2) when my mom moved away (temporarily) 3) when someone close to me passed. It all aches the same. Sure, they're all different circumstances, but doesn't pain feel the same, no matter what causes it? Sure, there are different levels, but when it's bad, isn't it just BAD?

So, how does one crawl out of the big empty?

The only way I know how to do it is to replace those feelings with other ones - better ones. Ones like, "This IS temporary." Or hug on my dogs and kiss their faces until they start to pull away. Or listen to music while writing a story. Simple diversions seem to help.

In this vast monstrosity we call life, what's the point of hanging on to bad images or sucky people that can damage our goods, or create more big empties inside us?

There is no point.

Let go of the things, negative images, words, ideas, and expectations... and remember the experiences, friendships, laughter, love and reason why the big empty exists to begin with.

It's there to make us better than we were (before). We are beyond the physical bodies we see. We are beyond the (many) realities perceived. We are capable of being more than we can imagine.

And when we have more questions than answers...?

"Mother Earth will not undress for us," he said.

I feel you, my friend.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The world couldn't ask for a more beautiful witch!

my niece, Izzy

Orginal Dirty Dialog by Jentri Chancey

Girl: Why are you taking a dump in my bathroom right now? I was about to take a bath!

Guy: Well, this is your lucky day.

Girl: Why?

Guy: I didn't take a dump in your bathtub.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Purple Cow

Some people will never listen, despite the purple cow...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Simple pleasures (like ice cream!)


Everyone's always saying we should feel lucky and grateful for what we have (including me!). Today, I was thinking
about how fireplaces excite me. Nothing funny, I just love to put my ass by a good fire. :)

And a few weeks ago, my sister-in-law told me that she'd never seen another grown up get so excited over dessert before. :) What can I say, I like my sweets!

It got me to thinking about all the little things that thrill me, and wonder if all that would be gone if I had been born (financially) rich.

The short answer is yes; I really think so.

I often think of my love for writing, and how (life) complications eventually turn into more goods I can interject into my story-telling. Struggles make me a better writer; although I don't prefer them, I know it's true. So, I wonder if I'd even be worth two cents as a writer if I hadn't gone through so many?

I really don't think so.

This world is crazy and scary, particularly for those of us who choose to say f-u to fear and follow our dreams. But it's wonderful, too. It's beautiful to have been born into a world where I have to try, work, wonder, and dream. There's something to be said for unpredictability. Sure, more luxuries couldn't have killed me, but I'm pretty sure they could have somehow put out that faux fire underneath my ass. That insane passion to want more, be more, and give more.

When life is too easy, it's boring. When life is too hard, it sucks. Just the right about of both builds character, don't ya think?

If we can use our character to get through the dip, (of life) I'm sure we can have it all.

Especially, more ice cream!!!! VERY IMPORTANT.

"burrrrr, it's cold outside," says Shad, the penquin!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fun Video: Hollywood Talent Agents Exposed

This one's for all my actor friends out there! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome Charlie!

This is me, and my dear friend, Kim's newest addition, Charlie, at 2 weeks old. That was my grandpa's name, btw! :) He's a picture of perfection, just like his brother, Benjamin.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hope is free. Fill up when you get the chance...

My Hope.

“Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On the air live tonight talkin' about documentary, What I Know For Sure

Talking to Chris Walden on The Shadow Hour about my new documentary, tonight at 10pm Central. Call in and ask as many questions as you can in an hour! :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What my friends do to each other for fun!

It's so wrong... but it's so FUNNY!

Who is Mr. McPhee, really?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Last night I went to the circus with Shad, & our friends, Heather, & Ted. When I was invited, I was skeptical, because of some things I've read online. And especially since I'm so passionate about the well being of animals. It made me more curious. The tickets were free, and I don't like to be one of those people who bases my opinion on what others say, vs. my own experience(s) -- so I went. And I'm so glad I did.

Contrary to the stigma, the elephants seemed to really be doted on. The trainer showed love and appreciation for the animals. And the tigers where swimming in a tank, being rowdy and playing (like dogs!). It blew my mind... I was standing so close to elephants thinking, "these guys could take us all out if they wanted." But they are sweet, loyal, loving animals. It seems that if they're treated well, and they adapt and/or like the scene, they do well.

RB&B has an area in FL where the elephants are bred and can comfortably retire. According to a 4th generation trainer, the elephants can participate for as little as 1 or 50 years, depending on the elephant. If it likes to fight or doesn't like the routines, they don't use them. Elephants can get the same ailments as humans (arthritis, etc.) so this is actually sounds like a thoughtful setup. They are fed heartily, and can be with one another 'till death.

Seems to me, if I were to be 'against' something like this, then I would have to be against owning my doggies, too. Yes, they're domesticated, but these elephants are born into this lifestyle, so they kinda are too. I'd also have to dislike dog shows, fairs, PBR, etc. Then it'd be a tiny fish in a fishbowl. Where do we draw the line of judgement? I've seen first hand how some of those animals are treated, and let me tell you, it's better than being sent to the slaughter house! Which is usually what happens when someone doesn't love them.

If I were to hold up a sign that says "cruelty" and protest (although I'm sure their hearts are in the right place, and I can see where they'd be coming from with all the bad press, if that's all they read) I'd better not be eating ANY meat, either (and I still eat fish). 'Cause that'd be pretty hypocritical, right?

So, I'm here to say that from what I saw, the animals are OK... sure, it was only one day, but that's all I got! The animals were showed about 15% of the entire time. It's mostly human entertainers doing the most elaborate acts you've ever seen. Doesn't seem too grueling for an animal to partake in. But that's just me, and my opinion. And it's my blog, so that's why I'm telling you!

Bottom line, before I judge anything, I want to see for myself what's going on... and I recommend you do, too. I'm sure there are bad apples out there in the circus, just like there are bad apples out there in all walks of life. But I didn't see it last night at THIS CIRCUS. :)

Next stop, will be the place I get my eggs from... I regret to inform you that I haven't done that yet, I only buy "cage free" ones... but I need to.

love & hugs,
xo J

Monday, August 16, 2010

What I know for sure. It's time to find out.

photos by Gabri

What I Know For Sure
It's time to find out.

Check out my documentary project on indiegogo, and please support it if you can!

thank you! Jentri


Thursday, August 12, 2010


Tonight, Sidney (the 7 yr old from my untitled documentary trailer) asked me how I got the holes in my jeans. I told her, "Carly cut them for me, so I'd look 'cool' but the holes just keep getting bigger around my knees"... and she responded, "Jentri, you are cool without them." seriously... ? HEART CURRENTLY MELTING (I'm not THAT cool).

Not as cool as you, Sid. ;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What I know for sure

This article is just what I needed today. I love Elizabeth Gilbert.

I've been working on my (untitled) documentary, clarifying my vision within, so that it doesn't become a thing of mystery
itself. The clearer I see my voice getting, the more excited I become at the possibilities of what lies ahead.

I think I even see a 'title' in here somewhere... ;)

And after reading this today, I'm about 85% sure I'm on the right track.


And since we're having a Gilbert moment, here's her speaking at the TED conference. Make sure you have time... It's a good one... :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Behind the scenes of my new (mysterious) documentary with Heather Rivera (Mix 94.7 Austin)

(if video not working, watch here)

To watch the trailer for this documentary, visit http://www.forloveofindiefilmmaking.blogspot.com

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We all can relate.

This pic was forwarded to me via email with no photography credit. Sorry. :(

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I take it back. There is such a thing as Perfect.

Anoo sleeping

Donky story with good ending :)

Remember the flying donky story? It devastated my heart. With all the things humans have to deal with that they can't control (i.e. mother nature) I've never understood why humans would deliberately and unnecessarily harm anything else. I'm so happy this donky, who could've drowned, has a happy ending. We have a donkey, Boom Boom, that lives at my dads. She's the sweetest, funniest, cutest thing ever! To the contrary of popular belief, they're quite capable of being very friendly and loving creatures. Boom Boom even plays with the big dogs - it's kind of incredible to watch. Animals don't discriminate, like some humans, they merely act on instinct. My dogs have been trying to play with the guinea pig that I'm babysitting, thru the cage, for the past 2 days. :)


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting Personal

I've heard the phrase, "It's a business decision, not personal" a lot of times in my (short lived) film career. So today, I address this idea, or whatever you want to call it, with an open mind and heart. And not because something has just happened to me that I'd like to air (it hasn't!) but because I find it a fascinating statement... one that's dynamic, and understated. Much more complex than the usual phrase itself.

For example, everything we do in the film business has to do with personal relationships. We can't make films alone! Some relationships may even catapult us to the next stage of whatever it is we're trying to achieve. But more than not, a job isn't taken because of money alone. The next question when considering a gig is, "Can I work with this person for X amount of years?" Or perhaps it's, "Can I spend a few months in a trailer next to this person, working 12-14 hour days?" And if the answer is NO, then we probably decline the position.

I'm constantly curious about the way that business and personal are handled and separated. I understand the difference, of course, (I really do!) but I think it's often (not always!) a blend of both, making (especially business) decisions even harder. You have to do what's best for your business, and if a friend isn't going to do the best job, then you're screwing yourself and your friendship out of something wonderful. But will the friend hold a grudge if that decision to go another way is made? And if the friend holds a grudge, does that mean the friend isn't such a good friend after all? Or does it make you not a good friend for going another way?

I've had to make a few 'business decisions' in my early career here that I've profoundly questioned. And not because I thought I did something wrong, but because someone had a reaction to something I did, that made me question if what I'd done was wrong. But bottom line, I always strive to do what I feel is the right thing for all parties involved. And I can't anticipate, control, or be held accountable for how others will respond to my decisions.

I find that every time there's a debate, there's always two different sides (perspectives) and then there's the truth, often diluted by other people's views. I suppose if I can live with all the decisions I make (even the really hard ones) knowing that I did the very best I could do with what I had at the time, then I'll be good with me. Will you be good with you?

I suppose the reason for this personal post today is that so much of what I do, how I operate, however business related it may be - is personal. Friends, actors, producers, crew, you name it. If I'm not having fun, working or hanging with with people I love & respect, who love & respect me back, what's the point?

Good info for my Animal Lovers!

Gladys, (Admiral and Arcona's baby girl!) who's cared for by Carrin and Luey, and loved by all. :)

Friends at PETA sent out this info, which I think is imperative to know, if you have animals! Enjoy, my sweet animal lovers! J

Keep dogs inside: Unlike humans, dogs can only sweat through their footpads and cool themselves by panting. Soaring temperatures can cause heat stress and be physically damaging or even fatal.

· Water and shade: If dogs must be left outside, they should be supplied with ample fresh water and shade, and the shifting sun needs to be taken into account. Where is the animal when you are at work? Even brief periods of direct exposure to the sun during a heat wave can have life-threatening consequences. Dogs should never be chained, as this can leave them no way to escape the direct sun at certain times of the day, no way to seek water should their water source be knocked over, and so on.

· Walk, don't run: In very hot, humid weather, never exercise dogs by cycling while they try to keep up or by running them while you jog. Dogs will collapse before giving up, at which point it may be too late to save them. They can quickly become severely overheated, and an exercise session can turn into a medical emergency.

· Avoid parked cars: Never, ever leave a dog in a parked car in warm weather, even for short periods with the windows slightly open. Dogs trapped inside parked cars can succumb to heatstroke within minutes—even if the car isn't parked in direct sunlight. If you see a dog trapped in a parked car, immediately take down the car's color, model, make, and license-plate number, have the guardian paged inside nearby stores, and call local humane authorities or police. Do not leave the scene before the animal is helped!

· Hot pavement: Dogs can suffer painful burns on their footpads from heated asphalt, pavement, and sand. Test the heat of surfaces with your hand before walking a dog on them.

· Pickups: Never transport dogs in the bed of a pickup truck. This practice is dangerous—and illegal in many states and municipalities—because animals can catapult out of the truck bed on a sudden stop or choke if they jump out while they're tied up. During hot weather, dogs' feet and bellies can also get burned on the metal.

· Stay alert and save a life: Keep an eye on all outdoor dogs. Make sure that they have adequate water and shelter. If you see a dog in distress, contact humane authorities right away and give the dog immediate relief by providing water.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Blood Into Wine

You should watch this documentary, Blood Into Wine, if it comes to your area. It totally rocks. I wasn't necessarily a "Maynard" fan, like the rest of the rock world, until I saw his documentary. Mostly because I'm not a 'rocker' kinda girl with the cool black hair, red streaks, and vintage threads. :) I'm just a brown haired Texas gal with an ever-so-slightly southern accent, who likes to bake (a lot) and watch, write and make movies.

But back to Maynard - I always thought he had a great vocals, and out of all the bands my husband insists I listen to, Tool's sound ROCKS. But after this movie, I left the theater feeling nothing but respect... for him, his wine making, and passionate artistry.

Oh, and I love the way he says, "comfortable." I'm kinda obsessed with this word for some reason, and he says it perfectly. :)

xo Jentri

ps. we gotta bottle of his wine from when he came thru Dallas at Whole Foods - thank you, Debbie (Shad's mom)!!!

Damn Texas Heat!

"It's too damn hot to go outside. I'm gonna lay back down." Anoo

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

The pros and cons of having a kid (notice that's singular)

If I don't have a child will I be missing out on life?

I've emotionally been on the fence about this subject in the past, so here's my logical approach - a pros and cons list! Please, feel free to add to it, moms!!! I'm quite sure I won't know everything to put down, since I haven't had any children! :)

Unconditional Love
Family Legacy
Family Fun
Creating my very OWN family to spend a lifetime with
So many unexpected funny moments... I'll most likely lose count
Co-creating life with the person I'm in love with, whom I know would be an excellent daddy.

Lack of sleep
Hard Work
No more time to be selfish
Diversion away from career (at least for a little while, which is a big deal in the film biz)
Won't go on as many vacations (very possible - at least for a while!)
Life Style Change - all about what's best for the kiddo
May cause some stress in marriage (so I've heard!)

Please, moms, help! Won't you add to the lists? :)

On second thought, if I have to make a list about it, maybe I'm NOT READY! I've never made lists to do anything in my life, except go to the grocery store.

Aether Paranormal and Travel Channel Exclusive

Behind the scenes with Aether Paranormal filming an episode for the Travel Channel's Most Terrifying Places in America series. Episode will air in Oct./Nov. of 2010/11.


From the internet: "The J started out its life as a smiley-face. The WingDings font puts a smiley face where the letter J goes. As the message travels from machine to machine, the font formatting may get lost or mangled, resulting in the letter J appearing when a smiley face was intended."

And to think, all my life I thought the "J" at the end of all of those emails was such an enigma... Then I thought that maybe everyone just liked calling me that (for short). :)


Friday, July 23, 2010

Don't die with your music still in you.

Are you more scared of what will happen to you if you follow your dreams, or what will happen to you if you don't?

When I think of the path I've chosen, and feel inspired to follow, vs. one that could (very possibly!) afford me a more steady future/income, I think about this.

Am I more fearful of doing what I love and never getting to the place I hope to eventually be, or more fearful of being sooo scared of failing, that I never try? For me, it's the latter.

So, I try to have loose expectations. By that, I mean that I know where I'd like to end up, of course. But I don't imagine that there's only one way to get there, or that there's not something more grand waiting for me, than what I've already thought up! I've gotten over any silly ideas that I could ever do it the exact same way someone else did. All of our circumstances are so original... so completely unique, that no one else can do it like us, either. There will be similar stories, sure... but why would we even want a story like someone else? BORING. It's way more fun to make up our own crazy, silly, or stupid adventures!

:) Jentri

"Don't Die With Your Music Still In You” - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dear Mother,

I just love you.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Feeling Low?

"Do not worry if you feel low; the sun has a sinking spell every night, but rises again all right the next morning."
~ Unknown

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Fed peacock lightly roasted peanuts, check. Got some snortin' sweet pug love, check-check. Worked a few hours and was reminded of why I Iove doing makeup so much, check-check-check.

My sweet Anoo Boo is all better, and I am, too... we're saging this place, and letting go of the yucky...

it's time to pop my head out and absorb this sunny Sunday afternoon in Austin! POP POP POP

photo by Goat45 Design

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My sweet Izzy! Kids are the cutest!

Isabelle (my niece) just asked Gabri (her mom) if she used to be a baby...she said, "Yes, you were in mama's belly." Then she said, "Why did you eat me?"

photos by Gabri

good hygiene

Just found my pug, Arcona, chewing on the container of dental floss that Shad left on the couch... oh well, at least she'll have good hygiene.

Monday, July 12, 2010


This was the first feature film I was ever an extra on, so I remember it vividly. At this point, I still thought I wanted to be an actress... I didn't know how much more I'd love to be behind it. Now I do. :)

This was one of the scenes I was in, actually. Along with the red lederhosen (scene) outfit I wore when all the girls where getting on to the bus. I think my hair was in buns on the side of my head that day, too. Ahhhh, the good ole days...

“Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.”
Hope Floats

Today, my hope is definitely floating.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This AM, I was out the door in a rush to a video gig. My garage door opened up to our neighborhood peacock in my driveway. I was literally blocked for 5 minutes, while trying to coax him in a different direction - other than behind my car! I seriously love this guy, but he was seriously putting me in a weird place. He just stood there with his feathers up staring at me. I kept looking at the clock wondering how long the stand off would take place. As I've said before, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm his girlfriend, and he was in full show off mode.

So I went in a different direction and tried to lure him with my baby voice. Nothing. I schemed some more. I threw peanuts (his fave!) the opposite direction. Nothing. He was too busy peacocking me.

I mean, how do you explain that to a client? Sooooooooo, I did the only thing I could do and took a picture... then sent it in a text message that said, "cock blocked."

Is that wrong?

Friday, July 9, 2010

New beginnings and endings

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
-Maria Robinson

"More importantly, could someone take this fucking sweater off me? Let's end like that. I mean, look at me, I'm startin' to sweat... it's embarrassing..." - Puggie :)

Photo by Kris Miles

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Finding out the truth is only half of it...

it's what you do with it that matters, right?"
The Secret Life of Bees

a really sweet message. :)

a house holds so much energy... so many memories... it, too, becomes its own... captures moments... embedded in walls, floors, ceilings, down halls... they can cry, scream, laugh and talk... just like you and i once thought...

do you ever feel...

like it's just us out here, G?

I want it...

almost as much as I want my next breath...

Photo by Goat45 Design

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rocky Rocksabalboa!

My favorite lift-me-up movie of all time! I seriously will welcome a Rocky marathon any day.

Some people prefer easy listening on in the background. I prefer ROCKY!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Away We Go

Every time I watch this film I find myself cracking up at something I didn't notice before. The subtlety in the humor... the small heartfelt moments, and sincere, yet, entertaining realism was so great... so beautiful... this is definitely one of my favorite films now.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pugs R Us


and more love...

by way of Shad's Magic :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Last night, we were at our friends' house in the hill country, just hanging out outside on the porch.. talking, laughing... letting the dogs run around like maniacs, and the kids (they were babysitting), slip and slide... when their three year old niece stopped and asked us to put on some music... as if that wasn't cute enough, our friend (her uncle) asked if she wanted him to put on some 2Pac to dance to...?

In a small, raspy voice she replied, "no, 1Pac is good."

I so miss the practicality of being a kid.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

small to (nearly) impossible

She started off as a small, carefree, mysterious wonder. She had a mission... a journey to make her own hand prints...

Her past was removed without permission... her favorite parts, stripped away by age....

an introverted, self-centered, stranger emerged with brokenness.

If she could only feel, she could heal.

Now she's someone else, trying to do the impossible task of finding that small self... again.

She's moved on... but she's forgotten

what it means to really live outside the picture frame.

If she could touch her face, she thinks the brokenness might start the healing...

she might not contemplate leaving.

But the impossible idea of touching her face will never leave.

Out there, it's like she's someone else...

and in here, she barely breathes.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love on the Ridge

it ain't easy being cheesy...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don't be an ass.

i love you, Boom Boom!
aka Sarah

Shit happens

Wash it off, and get back to what you were doing!

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Complicated (movie)

It's not the most brilliant movie I've ever watched in my entire life, BUT it's one of the most honest, and for me - that's HUGE. One of my favorite writer-directors, Nancy Myers, (Something's Got To Give) grabbed a hold of those little quite/after moments and really finessed the rawness of those very intricate/complicated emotions we shuffle through in life. We wade. We swim. We laugh. We cry. Sometimes we just float... she wrote the real deal, without all the Hollywood stuffing. She developed the characters, told a solid story, and made me feel something. And she let really wonderful actors just be wonderful. Thank you, Nancy.

It's Complicated

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sweet Home Austin

Lookie! (in redneck girlie bar voice) I've got a peacock...

on my mailbox. :)

photo by Goat45 Design

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Earth Day (Should Be) Every Day

I'm deeply saddened by the way the Earth is treated. It hurts by heart that people dismiss the treatment of animals, as if they don't count, except for food in our happy bellies. And the ocean, as if it were replaceable. Everything affects everything, and there will be consequences if we can't even act like it matters. There's something called ecosystems, and yes, it matters. I don't believe that any natural disaster will be the end of the earth. But I believe humans' negligence could be. Treat every day like earth day. We can't expect to deplete its natural resources, slaughter it as we wish, and keep getting a Fat return. It too, as resilient as it is, has its limitations. I don't know about you, but I'd like to live a long time on this wonderfully mysterious, generously abundant, and giving planet... and right now, I'm kinda scared for us.

need a laugh? vote for Shad! watch out, John Mayer!

I soooooooooo needed this today.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am my own Invention

I have a thirst for change, much like the history of America. At times, I feel I'm my own invention... not being able to
see a year ahead... because it's always changing. Revolutionizing.

Bonnie and Clyde

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Holiday (in June)

"I'm looking for corny in my life."
The Holiday

This is one of my favorite (recent) Christmas movies... I love celebrating holidays - in July!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thelma and Louise

-You get what you settle for...

Home on the Ridge

RIP Christin

Your soul was always meant for greatness, Christin. Now it will rest, old friend.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Home is Where the Peacock is.

My sister, Gabri, took this photo this morning.

Once, I only had a 'neighborhood peacock'... now I just have a peacock. He lives in my yard. If you try to mess with him, you'll have me and my pj's to deal with. You don't want that.

BTW, does anyone know how loud peacocks are? ;)

I love this bird.