Last night I went to the circus with Shad, & our friends, Heather, & Ted. When I was invited, I was skeptical, because of some things I've read online. And especially since I'm so passionate about the well being of animals. It made me more curious. The tickets were free, and I don't like to be one of those people who bases my opinion on what others say, vs. my own experience(s) -- so I went. And I'm so glad I did.
Contrary to the stigma, the elephants seemed to really be doted on. The trainer showed love and appreciation for the animals. And the tigers where swimming in a tank, being rowdy and playing (like dogs!). It blew my mind... I was standing so close to elephants thinking, "these guys could take us all out if they wanted." But they are sweet, loyal, loving animals. It seems that if they're treated well, and they adapt and/or like the scene, they do well.
RB&B has an area in FL where the elephants are bred and can comfortably retire. According to a 4th generation trainer, the elephants can participate for as little as 1 or 50 years, depending on the elephant. If it likes to fight or doesn't like the routines, they don't use them. Elephants can get the same ailments as humans (arthritis, etc.) so this is actually sounds like a thoughtful setup. They are fed heartily, and can be with one another 'till death.
Seems to me, if I were to be 'against' something like this, then I would have to be against owning my doggies, too. Yes, they're domesticated, but these elephants are born into this lifestyle, so they kinda are too. I'd also have to dislike dog shows, fairs, PBR, etc. Then it'd be a tiny fish in a fishbowl. Where do we draw the line of judgement? I've seen first hand how some of those animals are treated, and let me tell you, it's better than being sent to the slaughter house! Which is usually what happens when someone doesn't love them.
If I were to hold up a sign that says "cruelty" and protest (although I'm sure their hearts are in the right place, and I can see where they'd be coming from with all the bad press, if that's all they read) I'd better not be eating ANY meat, either (and I still eat fish). 'Cause that'd be pretty hypocritical, right?
So, I'm here to say that from what I saw, the animals are OK... sure, it was only one day, but that's all I got! The animals were showed about 15% of the entire time. It's mostly human entertainers doing the most elaborate acts you've ever seen. Doesn't seem too grueling for an animal to partake in. But that's just me, and my opinion. And it's my blog, so that's why I'm telling you!
Bottom line, before I judge anything, I want to see for myself what's going on... and I recommend you do, too. I'm sure there are bad apples out there in the circus, just like there are bad apples out there in all walks of life. But I didn't see it last night at
Next stop, will be the place I get my eggs from... I regret to inform you that I haven't done that yet, I only buy "cage free" ones... but I need to.
love & hugs,
xo J